Saturday, February 3, 2007

Gundam FIX FIGURATION #0034: GP03S

Gundam FIX FIGURATION #0034: GP03S

Manufacturer Bandai
Availability: on order
Unit Number: PMD-MIA-0207
Release date: March, 2007
Item Code: gs007
Price: $60.00 USD
Description: The Pegasus class warship use in 0080: War in the Pocket. The model is on 1/3500 scale and is about 85 mm long. Although it is the same class as the White Base but is appearance look different. Gray phantom is a experimental ship that run tests to se if it suitable for operation. After that many Pegasus class warships construct using this as model.

Model's stand is included.

Require cement to assemble and paints to color to model.

Item still in development state, so there may be changes before release date.


For many Gundam fans Gundam FIX FIGURATION is the keyword for perfect (Not in comparison eith HG, MG and PG grade pramodel because they are in different category.). FIX figures are highly detailed, from the shape of the MS to small things such as unit number or symbol show on the MS. Many times the price of a FIX cost more tha a HG grade model, and sometimes a MG model.

Some of the models release on FIX are unique because they never release on other grade. An example of it will be Zeta II. The price of Zeta II was about $380 HKD in Sept. 2007 and an average HG grade pramodel is about $110-150 HKD.

GP03S is the newest MS that add to the collection. The letter "S" stand for Stamen so sometimes GP03S also call Gundam ."Dendrobium Stamen" The MS is lightly armed and can "insert" into the huge armor called "Dendrobium Orchis", the wing binders on the sides of the GP03S both increased the maneuverability of the unit.